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Experience Transformative Storytelling

with Rob Caskie

Master storyteller and professional speaker

Embark on unforgettable journeys with master storyteller Rob Caskie. From the icy landscapes to thrilling battles, Rob brings history to life with his captivating narratives.

 Rob’s storytelling transcends traditional presentations, transforming them into immersive experiences. His dynamic delivery and vivid narratives captivate audiences, inspiring them to find their true strength in difficult times. With Rob, you’re not just hearing a story – you’re experiencing it.

Discover the Power of Storytelling

Whether you’re looking to inspire your team, enrich your luxury tour, or elevate your event, Rob’s storytelling offers a unique and transformative experience. Explore a range of stories that delve into human behaviour, historical events, and inspirational tales of ordinary people becoming extraordinary in challenging times.

Stories that transform

Dive into the world of epic battles, everyday heroes, and timeless wisdom. Be inspired by mesmerising tales of history’s most inspiring and unheard moments, when ordinary people became the epitome of the extraordinary.

I would love to tell you a story

Invite Rob Caskie to your next event and let your guests experience the enduring power of immersive storytelling. They are more than just tales; they are a journey into the past, an invitation to be inspired and to remember what each of us has inside of us.

Master Storyteller & Professional Speaker

Rob Caskie is a master storyteller renowned for his captivating narratives that transport audiences into different times and places. With a deep passion for history and human behaviour, Rob weaves tales that are meticulously researched, passionately told, and designed to captivate listeners.

Born and raised in South Africa, Rob has always been fascinated by the stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things when faced with challenges. This fascination led him to delve into the annals of history, exploring events and figures that demonstrate the resilience, leadership, and unity of the human spirit.

I just wanted to say that I thought that your lecture was brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening – Rorke’s Drift came flooding back to me, and I admire your take on the subject with that wonderful human touch.

Mike Bradley

The talk that moved me most was that on Shackleton, especially the last few words. They were “I hold that a man should strive to the uttermost for his life’s set prize”. that hit home to me. So, thank you.  You are an enigma to me.

Andy Keech

Our group were impressed with your mastery of storytelling. And this stimulated and enabled good reflection the next day about the power of storytelling; the troubles with a single story; and the challenges of building a common story while holding on to our own stories

Jon Hodgson

Excellent event, well organised and beyond expectations. Mr Caskie is without equal in storytelling.

Glynis Coetzee

I would love to tell you a story